It’s almost time for the Neuro and Brain Community Foundation’s 7th annual Camp with a Ramp located at Whispering Hope Ranch, near Christopher Creek, Arizona on September 11-14, 2025.
Approximately 70 campers (with various spinal cord injuries or diseases), caregivers, family members and volunteers gather for an awesome 3-day cabin camping experience.
Throughout the stay, participants choose from a wide variety of adaptive activities including adaptive horseback riding, fishing, kayaking, adaptive mountain bike riding, archery, crafts, animal interaction, basketball, pickleball, and educational discussion groups. Each Camper gets to tailor their outdoor adventure to their own personal interests and abilities. Each evening features an all-camp activity including a campfire with s’mores, live music and dancing, and a casino night.
Get your application in today!
Sounds fun? Here’s what some of our other camper’s think:
“Camp inspired me to trust myself and my abilities.”
“I tried things I would have never thought is possible…opened my eyes to new possibilities.”
“3 nights with others of similar disabilities taught me what is really possible in life!”
“Although I am still disabled, I am ABLE.”
“I met and connected with new people and the networking was priceless.”
“Empowering people to push themselves.”
“Great sense of camaraderie and belonging.”
“New outlook in life”
“1st time in 18 years I felt comfortable dancing with others.”
“Challenged me to try new things.”
“It was amazing to see my husband do so many activities he thought he could no longer enjoy. You have made him smile and refueled his hope!”
With the continued support of generous organizations, businesses, and individuals, we hope to continue to be able to come back each year to bring together this amazing group of people. We are further inspired to reach out to those adults in our community that haven’t had the opportunity to explore their capabilities and join our supportive spinal cord injury/disease community.”